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The are many ways you can help. Volunteers both young and old make a difference leading to success.


Here are some ways:


  • Speaking for the organization at local places of worship or community organizations.


  • Host an event at your home, office, or anywhere you think that it will be successful to raise much needed donations and educate people about The Sydney Fund.


  • Help in the preparation of mailings and the distribution of information about the organization in local communities.


  • Write a editorial, blog, post on websites, get the word out about the Fund.


  • Educate people about animal welfare and the opportunity they have to help companion animals.



   Everything helps.


   Please contact us with your ideas.




​​Help make a difference and sign up
to volunteer today!


Board Members

Board Chair

Heather Powley

Board Members

Alyssa Hurwitz Miner

Joan R. Hartman

Jean Olenich

Neil Joan

Phyllis Powley

Exective Director

MIchelle L. Hartman, Ph.D.


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